Tout le monde nous a conseillé d’aller à Vestmanna, une petite ville sur la même ile que Torshavn (Streymoy) mais beaucoup plus au nord-ouest. A Vestmanna, on peut aller sur un bateau qui emmène les touristes voir les falaises sur la côte ouest. Elles sont spectaculaires et de nombreux oiseaux de mer y nichent. La distance de Torshavn à Vestmanna est de 39 km. Jens va au bureau du tourisme, à deux minutes d’ici se renseigner sur l’horaire des bus et l’horaire du bateau là-bas. Il rentre et m’annonce que le bateau à Vestmanna part à 14 h et que le bus de Torshavn à Vestmanna arrive là-bas à … 14 h 30 ! Que faire ? Aller à Vestmanna en vélo et rentrer en bus. Sitôt dit, sitôt fait. Il est déjà 9 h 45. On se prépare rapidement (sandwichs, eau, noix et raisins et bonbons à la menthe, plus cirés et bottes) et à10 h on part.
La route monte, vous devez commencer à connaitre l’histoire. Il ne fait pas chaud et gris. C’est la route qui va à l’aéroport. Il y a pas mal de circulation mais la route est large et les voitures s’écartent bien. On passe un tunnel, éclairé et large. On a nos lumières et tout va bien. On a calculé qu’il faut à peu près faire une moyenne de 10 km//h si on veut arriver bien avant le départ du bateau. Donc on roule bien et on ne s’arrête pas beaucoup. Plus loin, la route se divise en deux, à droite un tunnel sous la mer va à l’ile de Vágar où se trouve l’aéroport et à gauche la route va à Vestmanna. Ce nom vient, parait-il, de « hommes de l’ouest », mann= homme et vest=ouest. Ce serait des moines irlandais venus christianiser les Féroé qui seraient ces hommes de l’ouest. On passe près d’un joli village niché au bord du fjord, Kvívik. De là on est à 12 km de Vestmanna et ça monte, monte. A chaque courbe, ce ne sont pas des virages mais de légères courbes, on espère que ça va commencer à descendre, mais non. Pourtant on va descendre, Vestmanna est comme tous les villages et villes ici au bord de la mer. J’ai l’impression que de ces 12 km, 9 montent et 3 descendent. Mais la descente est la bienvenue. On arrive à Vestmanna à 13 h 20. Un peu fatigués, mais ça va. On mange nos sandwichs sur le quai et on va boire un café. Puis on embarque sur le bateau. Nous sommes une trentaine, je crois. On peur être à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur. Et on nous distribue … des casques ! Nous sortons du fjord, Vestmanna est au fond d’un fjord qui fait une courbe et c’est très bien protégé. Nous passons près d’un groupe de 4 maisons inhabitées, sans chemin. Mais il y a de l’activité aujourd’hui. Les gens sont venus en bateau pour la tonte des moutons. Il fait du soleil et la mer est calme. Puis on longe les falaises. C’est impressionnant, même sur des pentes très raides, sans accès, il y a des moutons. On les amène en bateau au printemps et on les met à terre avec des treuils et des cordes. Puis on vient les chercher à l’automne.
Les falaises sont grandioses, la plus haute fait 600m, à pic au dessus de la mer. Des oiseaux nichent dans des petits creux, mais on n’en voit pas beaucoup. Penser que des œufs et des oisillons sont sur une « étagère » étroite à 300-400 m là-haut !
Le capitaine du bateau est très bon. On passe entre des ilots, on va dans des grottes (d’où les casques, si on reçoit des pierres sur la tête) et tout ça exposé à la Mer du Nord, qui n’est pas habituellement très aimable. Mais c’est un bon jour.
Ce tour dure deux heures et à 16 h on rentre. Nous prenons le bus à 16 h 20. On plie les vélos et on les met dans le compartiment pour les bagages. Cette fois c’est un grand bus. Nous devons changer de bus une fois. Et nous arrivons à Torshavn à 17 h 30, fatigués et ravis de notre journée.
Sur le quai de la marina, la première personne qu’on voit, c’est Hans Jørgen. Ils sont arrivés aujourd’hui et c’était bien eux qu’on a vus hier, rentrant dans le port de Hestur. Ils ont acheté des crevettes et nous invite à une crevette-partie, nous et notre autre voisin danois, sur le quai où il y a des tables. Très sympa. Eux aussi ont eu des vagues et des problèmes de courant. Nous dégustons les crevettes avec pain, mayonnaise et citron ; et nous buvons de la bière. Devinez de quoi on parle ? De bateau !
Everyone advised us to go to Vestmanna, a small town on the same island as Torshavn (Streymoy) but more to the northwest. At Vestmanna, we can go on a boat that takes tourists to see the cliffs on the west coast. They are spectacular and many sea birds nest there. The distance to Vestmanna from Torshavn is 39 km. Jens goes to the tourist office, two minutes from here, to ask about bus schedules and the schedule of the boat there. He comes back and tells me that the boat in Vestmanna starts at 2:00 pm and the bus arrives from Torshavn to Vestmanna at 2:30 pm! What can we do? Go to Vestmanna by bike and go back by bus. No sooner said than done. It's already 9:45 am. We get ready quickly (sandwiches, water, raisins and nuts, and mints, plus rain cloth and boots) and at 10:00 am, we are on the road.
The road climbs, climbs, you must begin to know the story. It is cold and gray. This is the road to the airport. There is a quite a lot of traffic but the road is wide and the cars pass us with a good margin. We pass a tunnel, lit and wide. We have our lights and no probleml. We have calculated that we must have an average of 10 km/h if we want to arrive well before the departure of the boat. So we ride well and we do not stop much. Further on, the road splits in two; to the right a tunnel beneath the sea goes to Vágar Island where the airport is and to the left, the road goes to Vestmanna. The name comes, it seems, of "men of the west"; mann = man and vest= west. It could be the Irish monks who came to Christianize the Faroes who would be the men of the west. We pass close to a pretty village nestled on the banks of a fjord, Kvívik. From there it is 12 km to Vestmanna and the road climbs and climbs. At each curve, we hope that it will begin to descend, but no. Yet we have to go down, Vestmanna is, like all the villages and towns here, by the sea. I feel like of these 12 km, 9 are up and 3 are down. But the descent is welcome. We arrive at Vestmanna at 1:20 pm, a little tired but fine. We eat our sandwiches on the pier and we drink coffee in a café. Then we board the boat. We're about thirty persons, I think. We can be inside or outside on the boat. And we get helmets! We leave the fjord, Vestmanna is at the bottom of a fjord that curves and is very well protected. We pass by a group of four uninhabited houses, without road. But there is activity today. People came by boat to sheep shearing. The sun comes out and the sea is calm. Then we pass along the cliffs. It's impressive, even on very steep slopes, with no access, there are sheep. They are brought by boat in the spring and placed on the ground with ropes and winches. Then they are taken out in the fall.
The cliffs are spectacular, the highest is 600m; the sea birds nest in small hollows, but we do not see many. To think that eggs and chicks are on a narrow "shelf" 300-400 m up there!
The captain is very good. We pass between small islands, we're going in caves (hence the helmets, so we don’t get stones on the head) and all that exposed to the North Sea, which is not usually very quiet. But it is a good day today.
This tour lasts two hours and we come back at 4:00 pm. We take the bus at 4:20 pm. We fold the bikes and placed them in the compartment for luggage. This time it is a big bus. We have to change bus once. And we arrive at Torshavn at 5:30 pm, tired and happy with our day
The road climbs, climbs, you must begin to know the story. It is cold and gray. This is the road to the airport. There is a quite a lot of traffic but the road is wide and the cars pass us with a good margin. We pass a tunnel, lit and wide. We have our lights and no probleml. We have calculated that we must have an average of 10 km/h if we want to arrive well before the departure of the boat. So we ride well and we do not stop much. Further on, the road splits in two; to the right a tunnel beneath the sea goes to Vágar Island where the airport is and to the left, the road goes to Vestmanna. The name comes, it seems, of "men of the west"; mann = man and vest= west. It could be the Irish monks who came to Christianize the Faroes who would be the men of the west. We pass close to a pretty village nestled on the banks of a fjord, Kvívik. From there it is 12 km to Vestmanna and the road climbs and climbs. At each curve, we hope that it will begin to descend, but no. Yet we have to go down, Vestmanna is, like all the villages and towns here, by the sea. I feel like of these 12 km, 9 are up and 3 are down. But the descent is welcome. We arrive at Vestmanna at 1:20 pm, a little tired but fine. We eat our sandwiches on the pier and we drink coffee in a café. Then we board the boat. We're about thirty persons, I think. We can be inside or outside on the boat. And we get helmets! We leave the fjord, Vestmanna is at the bottom of a fjord that curves and is very well protected. We pass by a group of four uninhabited houses, without road. But there is activity today. People came by boat to sheep shearing. The sun comes out and the sea is calm. Then we pass along the cliffs. It's impressive, even on very steep slopes, with no access, there are sheep. They are brought by boat in the spring and placed on the ground with ropes and winches. Then they are taken out in the fall.
The cliffs are spectacular, the highest is 600m; the sea birds nest in small hollows, but we do not see many. To think that eggs and chicks are on a narrow "shelf" 300-400 m up there!
The captain is very good. We pass between small islands, we're going in caves (hence the helmets, so we don’t get stones on the head) and all that exposed to the North Sea, which is not usually very quiet. But it is a good day today.
This tour lasts two hours and we come back at 4:00 pm. We take the bus at 4:20 pm. We fold the bikes and placed them in the compartment for luggage. This time it is a big bus. We have to change bus once. And we arrive at Torshavn at 5:30 pm, tired and happy with our day
On the pier, the first person we see is Hans Jørgen. They arrived today and it was them we saw yesterday, entering the harbour of Hestur. They bought shrimps and invite us to a shrimps-party, us and our Danish neighbor, on the pier where there are tables. Very nice. They too have had problems with waves and currents. We eat the shrimps with bread, mayonnaise and lemon, and we drink beer. Guess what we talk about? Boats!
La route
The road
Un escalier à saumons
Salmon stairs
La route, là-bas
The road, over there
Il y a des moutons!
There are sheep!
Jens avec un casque
Jens with a helmet
Jeannette avec un casque
Jeannette with a helmet
Tonte des moutons
Sheep shearing
Casque à la mer!
Helmet over board!
Falaise et grotte
Cliff and cave
L'éléphant. On passe autour avec le bateau
The elephant. We sail around with the boat.
Nids d'oiseaux
Bird's nests
Le bateau rentre dans une grotte
The boat goes into a cave
Une faille
A fault
Dans une grotte
Inside a cave
Motif de tricot, Iles Féroé
Knitting pattern, Faroe Islands
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