Si on va directement, on pense arriver jeudi soir.
Juste un mois que nous sommes partis et nous commençons notre retour aujourd’hui.
Jens téléphone à Christian pour qu’il vienne récupérer le câble que nous avions branché sur le quai pour avoir internet. Il vient et Jens lui demande si, par hasard, il n’a pas trouver nos jumelles que nous ne trouvons plus. A ce moment son gendre lui téléphone et ils parlent ensemble quelques minutes. Puis Christian demande à son gendre s’il n’a pas trouvé nos jumelles dans sa voiture (que nous avions utilisée le premier dimanche). Le gendre va voir et, oui, les jumelles étaient sous le siège avant droit ! Quelle coïncidence que ce gendre a téléphoné juste à ce moment. Christian va chercher les jumelles que nous récupérons avec plaisir.
Nous partons à 11 h.
Avant de partir, je veux remercier tous les gens sympa que nous avons rencontrés aux Iles Féroé. Le chef de port à Tvøroyri, Lene de Bergen, Ian et Stefan, Hans-Jørgen et Bente, le pêcheur de Sandur qui nous a donné deux poissons, et bien sûr, Hjørdis et Christian qui nous ont fait connaitre leurs belles iles. Ils nous ont reçus avec chaleur et générosité.
A bientôt.
Now, it is 9:15 am, monday, and we are leaving. The weather is beautiful, the weather forecast good. If everything goes well, we hope to sail directly to Norway. But if we are tired or if the weather is not so good, we can stop on the Shetland. We'll see.
If we sail directly, we hope to be home Thursday evening.
Just a month since we left and we begin our return today.
Jens phones Christian so he can come and take back the cable we borrowed to connect us to the Internet. He comes and Jens asks if, by chance he did not find our binoculars, we don’t find them anymore. Just at this moment, his son in law phones him and they speak together a few minutes. Christian then asks his son in law if he did not find our binoculars in his car (we used his car the first Sunday). The son in law goes and sees in his car and yes, the binoculars were under the right front seat! What a coincidence that this son in law called just at that moment. Christian drives to get them and we are happy to find them again.
We start at 11 am
Before leaving, I want to thank all the friendly people we met on the Faroe Islands. The harbour master in Tvøroyri, Lene from Bergen, Ian and Stefan, Hans-Jørgen and Bente, the Sandurfisherman who gave us two fish, and of course, Hjørdis and Christian who have made us discover their beautiful islands. They received us with warmth and generosity.
Jens phones Christian so he can come and take back the cable we borrowed to connect us to the Internet. He comes and Jens asks if, by chance he did not find our binoculars, we don’t find them anymore. Just at this moment, his son in law phones him and they speak together a few minutes. Christian then asks his son in law if he did not find our binoculars in his car (we used his car the first Sunday). The son in law goes and sees in his car and yes, the binoculars were under the right front seat! What a coincidence that this son in law called just at that moment. Christian drives to get them and we are happy to find them again.
We start at 11 am
Before leaving, I want to thank all the friendly people we met on the Faroe Islands. The harbour master in Tvøroyri, Lene from Bergen, Ian and Stefan, Hans-Jørgen and Bente, the Sandurfisherman who gave us two fish, and of course, Hjørdis and Christian who have made us discover their beautiful islands. They received us with warmth and generosity.
See you soon
Dernier petit-déjeuner à Torshavn
Last breakfast in Torshavn
Bye, bye Torshavn
Bon voyage! Vi gleder oss til å se dere igjen.