Il fait gris. Nous restons un peu au bateau. Je classe les photos et essaye de rattraper mon retard de blog. J’écris samedi !
Nous allons faire des courses dans un centre commercial qui s’appelle SMS. C’est à 15 mn à pied. Grand centre, moderne qui pourrait être à Oslo, Paris ou Madrid. Les boutiques de mode sont nombreuses et présentent des robes d’été et des sandales. Grand supermarché bien achalandé de produits qui viennent surtout du Danemark. Nous cherchons un journal en danois mais on a du mal à en trouver. Il n’y en a qu’un seul et rien en anglais. Je vais voir une boutique de tricots mais il n’y a que quelques modèles traditionnels dans un coin, le reste est moderne. Je demande si je peux faire des photos, pas de problèmes. Je crois que la tradition du tricot a pratiquement disparu ici. Comparé avec les Shetland où une boutique comme celle de Louise regorgeait de modèles traditionnels, où il y avait un musée du tricot et où le savoir était toujours là. J’avais demandé au bureau du tourisme à Tvøroyri des renseignements sur la manière de tricoter des Iles Féroé, mais la dame ne savait pas grand-chose. Dommage.
Nous achetons tout ce qu’il faut pour faire un bon diner. Nous avons Hjørdis et Christian ce soir.
L’après-midi, nous repartons à pied et allons dans un parc en ville. C’est boisé, assez grand et une petite rivière où on voit des truites le traverse. C’est étonnant, on penserait que les arbres sont courants ici, mais si on sort de la ville, plus un arbre.
Je mets les poireaux à cuire et Jens fait une mousse au chocolat.
Hjørdis et Christian arrivent et nous passons une très bonne soirée. Nous buvons un bon vin que Kristin a offert à Jens pour le remercier de son aide quand il a réparé sa voiture.
Puis vaisselle et une demi-heure de lecture pour Jens et sudoku pour moi et au lit.
The day is grey. We stay on the boat. I classify the pictures and try to catch up the blog. I write Saturday today!
We go shopping in a mall called SMS. It is a 15 minutes walk. Big modern center, which could be in Oslo, Paris or Madrid. Fashion shops are numerous and have summer dresses and sandals. Large well-stocked supermarket with products that come mainly from Denmark. We seek a Danish newspaper, but it's hard to find. There is only one and nothing in English. I go to a knitting shop but there are only a few traditional jumpers in a corner, the rest is modern. I ask if I can take pictures, no problem. I think the tradition of knitting has virtually disappeared here. Compared with Shetland, where a shop like Louise’s was full of traditional models, where there was a museum of knitting and where knowledge was still there. I asked the tourism office in Tvøroyri information about knitting on the Faroe Islands, but the lady did not know much. Too bad.
We buy everything we need to make a good dinner. We have Hjørdis and Christian tonight.
In the afternoon, we go and walk in a park in town. It's a large park with many trees and a small river where we see trout runs through it. It's amazing, one would think that trees are common here, but if you leave the city, no more trees.
I put the leeks to cook and Jens makes a chocolate mousse.
Hjørdis and Christian arrive and we spend a very good evening. We drink a good wine that Kristin has offered Jens to thank him for his help when he repaired her car.
We wash the dishes and then half an hour reading for Jens and sudoku for me and in bed.
We go shopping in a mall called SMS. It is a 15 minutes walk. Big modern center, which could be in Oslo, Paris or Madrid. Fashion shops are numerous and have summer dresses and sandals. Large well-stocked supermarket with products that come mainly from Denmark. We seek a Danish newspaper, but it's hard to find. There is only one and nothing in English. I go to a knitting shop but there are only a few traditional jumpers in a corner, the rest is modern. I ask if I can take pictures, no problem. I think the tradition of knitting has virtually disappeared here. Compared with Shetland, where a shop like Louise’s was full of traditional models, where there was a museum of knitting and where knowledge was still there. I asked the tourism office in Tvøroyri information about knitting on the Faroe Islands, but the lady did not know much. Too bad.
We buy everything we need to make a good dinner. We have Hjørdis and Christian tonight.
In the afternoon, we go and walk in a park in town. It's a large park with many trees and a small river where we see trout runs through it. It's amazing, one would think that trees are common here, but if you leave the city, no more trees.
I put the leeks to cook and Jens makes a chocolate mousse.
Hjørdis and Christian arrive and we spend a very good evening. We drink a good wine that Kristin has offered Jens to thank him for his help when he repaired her car.
We wash the dishes and then half an hour reading for Jens and sudoku for me and in bed.
Un garde-manger traditionnel, Torshavn
A traditionel pantry, Torshavn
Le parc, Torshavn
The park, Torshavn
Le parc
The park
Christian, Hjørdis
Motif de tricot, Iles Féroé
Knitting pattern, Faroe Islands
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