Il fait beau. Matinée tranquille au bateau. Nous lavons du linge et faisons quelques courses.
Après un bon lunch, nous partons en vélo, d’abord vers le sud, vers Øravik et ensuite vers l’ouest pour traverser l’ile. La première partie monte modérément, autour du fond du fjord. Mais à partir d’Øravik, on se croirait en haute montagne. Les routes sont très bonne ici. Et nous montons, montons. On passe un col à 300 m d’altitude. Puis nous redescendons vers Fámjin, un petit port sur la côte ouest. Nous passons à côté d’un groupe de gens. Ils sont entrain de rassembler les moutons pour les vacciner et les tondre. Arrivés à Fámjin, nous avons plus de chance qu’hier, un petit café est ouvert. Nous prenons des gaufres et un café.
Il faut maintenant introduire Hjørdis. C’est une femme des Iles Féroé qui faisait partie de la bande de copains de Jens dans les années 70 quand elle étudiait à Copenhague. Puis elle est revenue aux Iles Féroé. Avant d’entreprendre notre voyage, Jens a repris contact avec elle. Il lui a téléphoné hier, et elle a demandé où on était. Jens a dit à Suduroy. Elle a ri et lui a raconté qu’elle et son mari avait passé le week-end à Suduroy. Lui croit même qu’il nous a vus en vélo mais elle était sûre que nous n’étions pas encore arrivés et lui a dit que ce n’était sûrement pas nous. Ils ne nous connaissent que par photos. Et c’est elle qui nous a conseillé d’aller à Fámjin. Et c’était un bon conseil, c’est très joli. Nous allons voir Hjørdis et son mari à Torshavn plus tard.
Nous remontons vers le col et redescendons vers Øravik. Nous passons devant la boutique des alcools et Jens va acheter de la bière. Ce magasin est décoré d’un … mouton ! Peut-être pour ne pas afficher le péché, les Iles Féroé étaient, il y a peu encore, régies par l’église d’une façon très stricte.
Nous rentrons, contents de notre tour. Nous avons encore fait 30-35 km. Jens fait le diner pendant que je travaille au blog. Il prépare un petit gigot. Nous l’avons acheté ici et, voyant tout écrit en langue locale, nous étions persuadés qu’il était local lui aussi. Mais quand on regarde de plus près on s’aperçoit qu’il est importé des Iles Malouines, en Amérique du sud ! Alors qu’il y des milliers de moutons ici. C’est ridicule.
Pendant que nous dinons, un bateau danois arrive dans le port. Ce bateau était là quand nous sommes arrivés vendredi soir et Jens avait parlé avec eux. Nous les invitons à diner, il y a assez de gigot pour 4. Ils contribuent avec des pommes de terre et du vin. Ils s’appellent Hans Jørgen et Bente. Nous passons une bonne soirée ensemble et pour nous remercier ils nous donnent du poisson frais qu’ils ont pêché aujourd’hui. Ils sont allés avec leur bateau jusqu’à Tromsø, en Norvège du nord.
Encore une bonne journée.
It's nice day. Quiet morning at the boat. We wash clothes and do some shopping.
After a good lunch, we go on bike, first to the south to Øravik and then west to cross the island. The first part goes up moderately, around the bottom of the fjord. But from Øravik, it's like in the mountains. The roads are very good here. And we climb, climb. We reach a pass at 300 m above sea level. Then we go down to Fámjin, a small port on the west coast. We pass a group of people. They are collecting the sheep in a closed area for shearing and vaccination. We reach Fámjin, and we have more luck than yesterday, a small cafe is open. We take waffles and coffee.
I must now introduce Hjørdis. She is a woman from the Faroe Islands that was part of the group of Jens’ friends in the 70s when she studied in Copenhagen. Then she came back to the Faroe Islands. Before starting our journey, Jens resumed contact with her. He called yesterday and she asked where we were. Jens told Suduroy. She laughed and told him that she and her husband had spent the weekend in Suduroy. Her husband even believes that he saw us on our bikes, but she was sure we were not yet arrived and told him that it was certainly not us. They know us only by photos. And it was she who advised us to go to Fámjin. And it was a good advice, it is very pretty. We'll see Hjørdis and her husband later in Torshavn.
We go up to the pass and descend to Øravik. We pass the liquor store (vinmonopol) and Jens will buy beer. This store is decorated with a ... sheep! Maybe not to display the sin, the Faroe Islands were, until recently, governed by the church in a very strict way.
We returned, happy with our tour. We have done 30-35 km. Jens makes dinner while I work on the blog. He prepares a leg of lamb. We bought it here and seeing that everything was written in the local language, we were convinced it was local too. But when we looked closer, we realized that it was imported from the Falkland Islands, South America! While there are thousands of sheep here. It's ridiculous.
While we dine, a Danish yacht arrives in the harbour. This boat was there when we arrived Friday night and Jens had spoken with the couple on her. We invite them to dinner, there's enough meat for four. They contribute with potatoes and wine. Their names are Hans-Jørgen and Bente. We spend a nice evening together and to thank us they give us fresh fish they caught today. They went with their boat to Tromsø, Northern Norway.
Another good day.
After a good lunch, we go on bike, first to the south to Øravik and then west to cross the island. The first part goes up moderately, around the bottom of the fjord. But from Øravik, it's like in the mountains. The roads are very good here. And we climb, climb. We reach a pass at 300 m above sea level. Then we go down to Fámjin, a small port on the west coast. We pass a group of people. They are collecting the sheep in a closed area for shearing and vaccination. We reach Fámjin, and we have more luck than yesterday, a small cafe is open. We take waffles and coffee.
I must now introduce Hjørdis. She is a woman from the Faroe Islands that was part of the group of Jens’ friends in the 70s when she studied in Copenhagen. Then she came back to the Faroe Islands. Before starting our journey, Jens resumed contact with her. He called yesterday and she asked where we were. Jens told Suduroy. She laughed and told him that she and her husband had spent the weekend in Suduroy. Her husband even believes that he saw us on our bikes, but she was sure we were not yet arrived and told him that it was certainly not us. They know us only by photos. And it was she who advised us to go to Fámjin. And it was a good advice, it is very pretty. We'll see Hjørdis and her husband later in Torshavn.
We go up to the pass and descend to Øravik. We pass the liquor store (vinmonopol) and Jens will buy beer. This store is decorated with a ... sheep! Maybe not to display the sin, the Faroe Islands were, until recently, governed by the church in a very strict way.
We returned, happy with our tour. We have done 30-35 km. Jens makes dinner while I work on the blog. He prepares a leg of lamb. We bought it here and seeing that everything was written in the local language, we were convinced it was local too. But when we looked closer, we realized that it was imported from the Falkland Islands, South America! While there are thousands of sheep here. It's ridiculous.
While we dine, a Danish yacht arrives in the harbour. This boat was there when we arrived Friday night and Jens had spoken with the couple on her. We invite them to dinner, there's enough meat for four. They contribute with potatoes and wine. Their names are Hans-Jørgen and Bente. We spend a nice evening together and to thank us they give us fresh fish they caught today. They went with their boat to Tromsø, Northern Norway.
Another good day.
Les Iles Féroé
Faroe Islands
Moutons et oies
Sheep and geese
La route
The road
La montagne
The mountain
Les moutons sont dans l'enclos
The sheeps are in the enclosure
La tonte
The shearing
On remonte
We go up again
On est en face de Tvøroyri
We are in front of Tvøroyri
La boutique des alcools
The liquor store
Hans-Jørgen, Bente
Motif de tricot, Iles Féroé
Kniting pattern, Faroe Islands
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