Bien dormi. Jens va acheter du pain frais pour le petit déjeuner mais ne trouve que du pain blanc en paquet, mou et sans consistance. Mais on le mange. Nous prenons le petit déjeuner dehors, en combinaisons chaudes. Il fait assez beau mais frais. Puis nous allons faire un tour en ville ensemble, à l’office du tourisme. Quand on traverse les rues il faut faire attention: les voitures roulent à gauche ici. On nous donne un plan de la ville et des brochures touristiques. C’est plein de touristes aujourd’hui parce qu’il y a deux bateaux de croisière dans le port. Puis nous allons chacun de notre côté. Je vais à une librairie: horreur des horreurs, j’ai oublié tous mes livres de fleurs à la maison! Je rachète donc un (petit) livre de fleurs, mais cette fois en Anglais plus un livre sur les oiseaux.
Lerwick a beaucoup de petits passages entre les maisons. Tout est construit en pierres grises ici. Quand il fait beau c’est agréable mais c’est un peu triste quand il fait gris. Certaines vieilles maisons sont baties si près de la mer qu’à marée haute elles ont les pieds dans l’eau. La rue principale s’appelle Commercial Street et porte bien son nom, les boutiques y sont nombreuses. Il fait beau et je fais quelques photos.
Puis nous nous retrouvons et retournons au bateau monter nos vélos. Et on part faire les courses en vélo. Il faut penser tout le temps qu’ils roulent à gauche. Le pire c’est aux carrefours et aux rond-points. Mais ça va, on ne se fait pas écraser. On trouve un supermarché et les prix nous paraissent bas. Mais par pour les gens qui vivent ici. On achète un pain un peu mieux mais la sélection est limitée. On achète de la bonne confiture d’orange et de fraise. Nous rentrons et mangeons le ”lunsj” dehors sur Maja. Le temps se couvre. Jens travaille dur pour arranger la connection Internet. J’écris le blog d’hier après le déjeuner. Puis nous partons faire un grand tour en vélo vers le nord de Lerwick. Une promenade longe la mer. C’est très agréable, très belle vue. Puis nous arrivons aux ruines d’un ”broch”, une construction ronde et massive datant de l’age de pierre. C’est impressionnant comme c’est bien fait. C’est haut de plusieurs mètres et les pierres sont très bien arrangées. C’est entouré d’eau où nagent des cygnes. Puis nous revenons par un autre chemin qui monte sur une haute colline où il n’y a que de l’herbe, des moutons … et des lapins. Retour à Lerwcik à 7 h du soir. Notre diner de ce soir est simple: fish and chips. C’est très copieux, le poisson très bon mais c’est un peu gras. Nous dinons au bateau.
Après diner nous allons parler avec des gens des iles Færoe, 9 bateaux à moteur de là-bas sont arrivés en convoi à Lerwick. L’un d’eux est un très vieux bateau traditionnel en bois, très ouvert, avec juste une toute petite cabine à l’avant. Et ce sont deux femmes et un homme, pas jeunes qui l’ont utilisé. Un très bon bateau mais pas très confortable. Jens demande des renseignements sur les courants aux iles Færoe, ils peuvent être très forts.
Nous allons ensuite au Lerwick Boat Club boire un café et utiliser Internet. Je publie le blog que j’ai écrit et mets quelques photos. Les Færoenois (?) sont là aussi. Le club est typiquement anglais avec, bien, sûr un bar.
Nous nous couchons, bien contents de cette première journée aux Shetland.
We slept well. Jens goes to buy fresh bread for breakfast but found only a white bread in package, soft and with little consistence. But we eat it. We take breakfast outside in overall. It is quite sunny but cool. Then we'll take a walk into town together, to the tourist office. When we cross the streets we have to be careful: cars drive on the left here. We are given a city map and brochures. It's full of tourists today because there are two cruise ships in the harbor. Then we go our separate ways. I go to a bookstore: horror of horrors, I forgot all my flowers books at home! So I buy a (small) book of flowers, but this time in English and a bird book.
Lerwick has many small passages between the houses. Everything is made of gray stone here. In good weather it is nice but a little grey when it is rainy. Some old houses are built so close to the sea that at high tide they have their “feet” in the water. The main street is called Commercial Street and up to its name, the shops are numerous. It's nice and sunny and I take some photos.
Then we meet again and return to the boat to pick up our bikes. And we go shopping by bike. We have to think all the time that they drive on the left. The worst is at crossroads and roundabouts. But it is ok, we are not run down. We find a supermarket and the prices seem low compared with Norway, but not for the people who live here. We buy a loaf, a little better that this morning but the selection of bread is limited. We buy good jam, orange and strawberry. We go back and eat the lunch outside on Maja. The weather is cloudy now and we have a few drops of rain . After lunch Jens is working hard to fix the Internet connection. I write the blog for yesterday. Then we make a long bike ride north of Lerwick. A path along the sea is very nice, very nice view. Then we come to the ruins of a "broch" a round and massive building dating from the stoneage. It is impressive to see such an old building so well built. It is several meters high and the stones are very well arranged. It is surrounded by water, where swans swim. Then we return by another road that goes up on a high hill where there is only grass, sheep and … rabbits. Back to Lerwick at 7 pm. Our dinner tonight is simple: fish and chips. The portions are big, the fish is very good but it is a little fat. We dine on the boat.
After dinner we talk with people of the Faeroe Islands, 9 motorboats from there arrived in convoy to Lerwik. One of them is a very old traditional wooden boat, very open, with just a tiny cabin at the front. And it is two women and a man, not young, who have used it. A very good boat but not very comfortable. Jens asks for information on currents in the Faeroe Islands, they can be very strong.We go then to the Lerwick Boat Club for a coffee and to use the Internet. I publish the blog I wrote and put some pictures. The Færoe folk are there too. The club is typically English with, of course, a bar.
We go to bed, glad for the first day in Shetland.
Lerwick has many small passages between the houses. Everything is made of gray stone here. In good weather it is nice but a little grey when it is rainy. Some old houses are built so close to the sea that at high tide they have their “feet” in the water. The main street is called Commercial Street and up to its name, the shops are numerous. It's nice and sunny and I take some photos.
Then we meet again and return to the boat to pick up our bikes. And we go shopping by bike. We have to think all the time that they drive on the left. The worst is at crossroads and roundabouts. But it is ok, we are not run down. We find a supermarket and the prices seem low compared with Norway, but not for the people who live here. We buy a loaf, a little better that this morning but the selection of bread is limited. We buy good jam, orange and strawberry. We go back and eat the lunch outside on Maja. The weather is cloudy now and we have a few drops of rain . After lunch Jens is working hard to fix the Internet connection. I write the blog for yesterday. Then we make a long bike ride north of Lerwick. A path along the sea is very nice, very nice view. Then we come to the ruins of a "broch" a round and massive building dating from the stoneage. It is impressive to see such an old building so well built. It is several meters high and the stones are very well arranged. It is surrounded by water, where swans swim. Then we return by another road that goes up on a high hill where there is only grass, sheep and … rabbits. Back to Lerwick at 7 pm. Our dinner tonight is simple: fish and chips. The portions are big, the fish is very good but it is a little fat. We dine on the boat.
After dinner we talk with people of the Faeroe Islands, 9 motorboats from there arrived in convoy to Lerwik. One of them is a very old traditional wooden boat, very open, with just a tiny cabin at the front. And it is two women and a man, not young, who have used it. A very good boat but not very comfortable. Jens asks for information on currents in the Faeroe Islands, they can be very strong.We go then to the Lerwick Boat Club for a coffee and to use the Internet. I publish the blog I wrote and put some pictures. The Færoe folk are there too. The club is typically English with, of course, a bar.
We go to bed, glad for the first day in Shetland.
Maja, Lerwick
Clickimin Broch
Les maisons les pieds dans l'eau
The houses with the "feet" in the water
Le bateau traditionnel qui vient des iles Faroe
The traditional boat from Faroe Islands
Motif de tricot, Shetland
Knitting pattern, Shetland
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